Alpha & Omega. Immobilier en Crete
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Selling property in Crete
Tips for sellers (traduction en français en cours)


The success of our marketing plan depends, not only on choice of the appropriate promotion strategy and tactics, but also on the arrangement and renovation of the place in such a way that captures the attention of the prospective buyer from the very first look.

Refurbishments & renovations

* Keep the building's exterior (door, windows, number, garage etc.) in good repair, especially when we refer to countryside places.

* Replace all the cracked down and broken windows and adjust all doors, closets included, so that they can be opened and closed.

* Dust, clean and scrub everything, remove posters and paint the walls and the basement or/and the attic if there is one.

* Repair any damages in the bathroom, such as leaky taps and toilets, cracked or broken mirrors, tabs or basins and clean the place very well. The same stands for the kitchen's sink, taps, oven and other appliances.

* Detect and record the condition of the overall electric and water supply of your property and develop a plan that priorities the seriousness of each problem and the urgency for immediate repair.

10 Rules for successful showing

* Leave the place during showing
By this way we will have the opportunity to handle all the objections that may not have been brought up, if you were there.

* Turn on every light in the place!
This includes closets, bathrooms and it makes the place seem brighter and cheerful thus creating a pleasant atmosphere.

* Open all drapes, curtains and blinds!
Let all the sunlight you can to come in. Do not spoil may be your chance to give the impression of a warm, fully "lighted" place.

* Turn off the television!
The noise and the images from a TV set can become the worst way to distract a person's focus.

* Turn on the stereo!
Some soft, "easy listening" music on low volume can improve the impression of a peaceful, serene atmosphere.

* Open all the closet doors!
Rooms will appear larger and the neatly arranged spaciousness of your property will be emphasized.

* Keep all the pets outdoors!
Especially in countryside places, sometimes, there are people who will be annoyed by the disturbance and inconvenience that may be created by a pet that is indoors.

* Lower or raise the thermostat!
During summer let people notice your air conditioning system efficiency and on winter times make the place feel welcomingly warm.

* Build a blazing fire!
When there is one, it can help you promote a feeling of enjoying, relaxing place in which everyone would like to rest.

* Bake bread!
The aroma of traditional days and habits empowers the family spirit of a place. A fresh pot of coffee or warming cinnamon rolls can have the same result as well.